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ICPB-RFQ Certification
State of Idaho ICPB-RFQ Exam
Congratulations on completing the requirements for the ICPB-RFQ certification. You should have a better understanding of the RFQ process and doing procurements for the State of Idaho. The goal of this program is to:
Enhance current abilities of all procurement services
Improve confidence in your roles during the procurement process
Improve consistency of applied policies and procedures
Become better leaders during the purchasing and procurement process
Before taking the exam there are a few things we need to cover.
Exam Schedule
Exams are administered on an individual basis. Once you have completed the eligibility, ethics, and online training portion of the ICPB-RFQ Certification, you may register for the final exam. The RFQ Practical will be arranged after you pass the exam.
Exam Type
The exam is timed and administered through our Learning Management System (LMS). Once you start the exam you will have 2 ½ hours to complete it. The exam is online with 60 questions and you need to score at least an 80% to pass.
Rescheduled Exams
If, for any reason, after starting the exam you need to reschedule, the DOP Administrator will make that determination and reschedule it at an appropriate time. If you fail the first exam you will have up to 1 month to retake the exam. If you fail the second time testing you will need to wait 3 months, during which time you may receive additional training and or retake the certification course.
Exam Procedures
1. This exam is
a collaborative effort. You may not consult with anyone during or after the exam or discuss the test with anyone who hasn’t passed or taken the exam.
2. While taking your exam you may only use resources approved by the DOP Administrator.
You may use Idaho Code, IDAPA and any DOP training material
to find the answers. You may access approved materials via the internet, but you may not access other materials or perform general internet searches.
3. Once you start the exam you will
have 2 ½ hours to complete it
. Ensure you are in a location that minimize distractions and start the exam when you will have plenty of time to complete it.
4. After successful completion of the written exam, you will be scheduled for the
RFQ practical
. The RFQ practical will require you to work with someone at DOP to ensure you have the knowledge and skills to do all functions related to the RFQ process. This requirement may be met through review of a previously completed RFQ if your agency has delegated Purchasing Authority.
I certify that I have read the above statements and agree to each term. I also certify that I have completed all courses, ethics and other requirements to take this exam. I understand that failure to comply with these requirements would be a violation of the Code of Ethics and may be grounds to reject my application for certification.
View Syllabus
DOP will analyze the first 5 exams to determine if there are any questions that may need to be thrown out or reworked. This could affect your exam score. You will be notified of any changes to your score after our analysis of the questions are complete.
Subject: ICPB-RFQ Exam Acknowledgement
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Enter Start Date of Idaho Procurement Experience
ver: 3.5.2 | last updated:
March 11, 2022 at 02:42 pm