Official Government Website

New Supplier/Vendor Registration Information (Luma)

All solicitations are posted in the Ipro powered by Luma system.  Please see below to register in our NEW eProcurement system.
If you have any questions, please reach out to

IPRO Supplier Portal link
Supplier Portal Q&A
Ipro Bid Guide / Help

State of Idaho eProcurement System


Current Solicitations (New ERP System) 


Information For Vendors

  • IPRO Registration & Training
    • IPRO Registration & Training
      1. Vendors must register in IPRO to gain access to detailed solicitation information and to be eligible for a contract award. Once you set up your account, the IPRO system is designed to send an e-mail to the contact address you provided, alerting you to the State of Idaho solicitations posted in IPRO, based on the commodity and service selections you included in your registration information
      2. Registration is free and takes only a few moments.
        (Note: an administrative fee may apply to awarded contract, as detailed in the solicitation document.)
      3. If your entity is already registered, please do NOT create a new profile; duplicate profiles will not be approved. If you are having trouble logging in, please see IPRO Help. To Register with the State of Idaho please click here.
    • IPRO Help

      Supplier support for the IPRO system is provided by Jaggaer. Please contact Jaggaer Support at (208) 334-3100, option 3,5. Or contact the Luma Support Team at:

The Idaho Division of Purchasing posts business opportunities on the IPRO e-purchasing system. Many state agencies are also using this system. Use of this Internet-based system allows vendors to respond to solicitations online or download non-interactive bids or proposals, update their company information and contacts, see bid results, and receive purchase orders and contracts online.
If you have any questions contact the Luma Team at

Other Information for Vendors

  • Other Information for Vendors
    • Bid Openings

      As permitted in IDAPA, DOP will be opening all sealed bids (ITBs,RFPs, and ITNs) using “electronic virtual opening.” Again, this change is being made to limit the risk of spreading COVID-19 through contact between DOP personnel and vendors/the public. The “electronic virtual opening” will consist of a written record documenting the following information: date, time, and location of the opening; names of all persons present; name and title of the person completing the opening; and a list of all submissions received including the name of the company, the date and time of submission, and the total bid “Serving Idaho citizens through effective services to their governmental agencies” price (for ITBs only). This electronic virtual opening record will be available upon written request once the opening has been completed and the record has been finalized.

    • Usage Reports and Administrative Fee

      Usage reports and administrative fees are due quarterly only if required by your Contract. Please refer to your contract documents or contact the DOP Contract Administrator if you are unsure of this requirement.

      Usage Reports

      W-9 Form

    • Terms and Conditions
    • Other Bid Opportunities
    • Notice to IT Vendors

      The State’s “Special Terms and Conditions for Customized Software and Related Services” (rev. 2005) is in the process of being updated and converted to a more broadly applicable standard set of “Special” Terms and Conditions applicable to IT solicitations in general.  The Division of Purchasing began this process almost a year ago, recognizing that the IT landscape is constantly evolving and that, with the increased utilization of “cloud” offerings, issues regarding ownership, warranty and the risk of data breach need to be more thoroughly explored and addressed.

      In the interim, as has been the practice of the Division for many years, tailored “special” terms and conditions are included in complex IT procurements (within the particular solicitation), and vendors are encouraged to ask questions and provide alternative and/or additional language during the Pre-Proposal Conference as well as during the Question and Answer period, as provided in the written instructions for each solicitation issued by the Division.

      For example, the Division has considered and adopted limitations of liability on a case-by-case basis over the years, based on an analysis of risk within the proposed scope of work, in consultation with the requisitioning agency and additional internal experts.  As the Division gets closer to finalizing its initial draft of the standard Special Terms and Conditions for IT, we will be inviting input from the vendor community, as we did several years ago when revising our “Standard Terms and Conditions” (for all goods and services); and look forward to participation by experts within the IT Industry who can provide constructive feedback and suggestions for the State to consider.

    • Sole Source Legal Notice

      Legal notice of pending sole source authorizations, pursuant to Idaho Code 67-9221(2) will be posted in our eProcurement system (IPRO).

      To view current postings please click here. Type “SSA” into the Keyword search to filter any Sole Source postings.

Vendor IPRO FAQs

For procurement purposes, vendors must register in DOP’s eProcurement system in order to obtain solicitation documents and to be eligible for a contract award. See IPRO Vendor Registration above. Register.
Vendors awarded a contract will need to send the State Controller’s Office Combined Substitute W-9 form to the state agency awarding the contract. They may also need to register with the Idaho Secretary of State.
You may view a list of bid opportunities issued under DOP’s authority under “Current Solicitations” above. You will need to login to IPRO to access the full solicitation documents, including requirements, terms, and conditions.

1. Log in to your Luma IPRO account.

2. Left side of page click “My Account.”

3. Under Registration Status click “My Certifications.”

4. On right side of the page click “Create.”

5. Add your insurance certificate using the popup.

6. Click “Submit” to save your insurance certificate.

1. Log in to your Luma IPRO account.

2. Left side of page click “My Account.”

3. Under Registration Status click “My Commodity Codes.”

4. Right side of page click “Select Commodity Codes

5. Add Commodity Codes here.
– Multiple codes can be selected at one time.

6. Click “Attach” to add commodity codes to your profile


You may view a list of bid opportunities issued under DOP’s authority Here. You can find most documents before logging into the system.

Go to the Luma supplier login page.
1. Lower right of page shows open events
2. Double click event to view
3. All important information about the solicitation is found on this page to include:
– Open/Close dates
– Lead Contact information
– Line items
– Terms and Conditions
– Attachments
— Attachments can be viewed by double clicking the paperclip in the attachment section
-Question attachments can be viewed by double clicking the paperclip next to the question.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact the solicitation lead on the event.

A Request for Quotes (RFQ) is an informal solicitation for goods or services with a total value between $15,000 (goods), $25,000 (services) and $150,000. Invitations to Bid (ITBs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are formal, sealed solicitations for goods or services with a total value of $150,000 or more. For additional information about the various solicitation methods, please consult the DOP Desk Manual.
Idaho Code, Section 67-9232 details the various types of appeals provided for in the State Procurement Act. Note: appeals are permitted in formal solicitations and sole source procurements only. Generally, the Act provides for:
  • Specification Appeal: submit to the DOP Administrator within 10 business days of the specification being published or changed
  • Non-responsive Appeal: submit to the Director of the Department of Administration at within 5 business days of the notice of non-responsiveness
  • Award (Lowest responsible bidder) Appeal: submit to the Director of the Department of Administration at within 5 business days of the notice of intent to award.
  • Sole Source Appeal: submit to the DOP Administrator within 5 business days of the final day of public notice (see Sole Source Legal Notice above)
Any person may submit a written request to examine public records pursuant to Title 74, Chapter 1, Idaho Code. Requests must specifically identify the records you wish to examine. Submit requests to Most public record requests are fulfilled with electronic records.
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