Official Government Website

Templates and Forms

The Current Division of Purchasing templates and forms will be posted here. Additions and modifications will be made from time to time. Always check this page for the most current template or form. Be advised that the actual forms utilized by the State may differ from the samples provided below; may be tailored to a particular project or circumstances; and may be revised at any time on the advice of the State’s legal counsel.

Questions? Call DOP at (208) 327-7465 or e-mail

RFQs are informal solicitations for contracts with a total value (including all options, potential renewals, etc.) of $15,000 to less than $150,000. The following documents may be used in the development and administration of an RFQ.
Agency Award ApprovalUsed by DOP to obtain agency approval for contract award.
Cancellation NoticeSolicitations should be cancelled only when necessary; contact DOP for guidance. Note: Submittal documents must be returned to vendors when a solicitation is cancelled. I.C. 67-9215.
Clarification RequestThe State may need to clarify submission items under limited circumstances (this is NOT an opportunity to modify or supplement submittal responses); consult with DOP and legal if a clarification is needed.
New Contract NotificationNotice to agency of the award of a new contract; may be tailored to the project to alert agency users to basic information about the contract.
Notice of SolicitationSample notice to e-mail to interested vendors, alerting them to the opportunity and containing instructions on IPRO registration.
Post Award ChecklistSample checklist for buyers to use following contract award—should be tailored to the project and agency.
Questionnaire GoodsQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire ServicesQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire SoftwareQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
RFQ TemplateComplete the highlighted sections of the template, and add additional terms, conditions, and requirements as needed.
Signature Page (RFQ)
Trade-In AuthorizationRequired if the agency will ask for optional trade-in as part of the solicitation
Vendor Registration LetterIPRO registration instructions, and links for vendors interested in doing business with the State.
ITBs are formal (sealed) solicitations for contracts with a total value (including all options, potential renewals, etc.) of $150,000 or more, and for which cost will be the sole (or predominant) factor in selecting the Contractor (typically goods or simple services). The following documents may be used in the development and administration of an ITB.
ITB TemplateComplete the highlighted sections of the template, and add additional terms, conditions, and requirements as needed.
Signature Page (ITB/RFP)
Trade-In AuthorizationRequired if the agency will ask for optional trade-in as part of the solicitation
Sample Surety Bond LanguagePerformance bonds may be advisable in select contracts (e.g. high dollar service contracts). Payment bonds may be advisable for projects which will involve significant use of subcontractors and/or third-party material/equipment suppliers (to guarantee payment to third parties). Bond requirements must be included in the solicitation document; consult with DOP and legal.
Confirmation of Performance for a Bond
Notice of SolicitationSample notice to e-mail to interested vendors, alerting them to the opportunity and containing instructions on IPRO registration.
Vendor Registration LetterIPRO registration instructions, and links for vendors interested in doing business with the State.
Pre-Proposal Sign-In SheetWhile it is not mandatory to hold a pre-bid conference, it may be advisable in some cases, especially when vendors will benefit from touring the site (e.g. janitorial contracts). Always remind attendees that oral statements will not be binding on the State (and to submit their questions in writing.)
Cancellation NoticeSolicitations should be cancelled only when necessary; contact DOP for guidance. Note: Submittal documents must be returned to vendors when a solicitation is cancelled. I.C. 67-9215.
ITB/RFP Opening Script and Sign-In Sheet
Initial Check for ResponsivenessTailor this sample checklist to the solicitation in order to document the review of mandatory requirements.
Clarification RequestThe State may need to clarify submission items under limited circumstances (this is NOT an opportunity to modify or supplement submittal responses); consult with DOP and legal if a clarification is needed.
Non-Responsive LetterSample letter to issue to bidders/offerors which are non-responsive (e.g. failure to meet mandatory requirements, bid conditioned on additional terms and conditions, etc.)—consult with DOP or legal.
Agency Approval FormUsed by DOP to obtain agency approval for contract award.
Letter of Intent (successful vendor)Sample "Letter of Intent" (LOI) to award for the apparent successful vendor.
Letter of Intent (unsuccessful vendor)Sample "Letter of Intent" (LOI) to award issued to all unsuccessful, responsive vendors. Note: there is a five (5) business day appeal period following issuance of LOIs that must be observed prior to award. I.C. 67-9232.
Post Award ChecklistSample checklist for buyers to use following contract award—should be tailored to the project and agency.
New Contract NotificationNotice to agency of the award of a new contract; may be tailored to the project to alert agency users to basic information about the contract.
Questionnaire GoodsQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire ServicesQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire SoftwareQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
RFPs are formal (sealed) solicitations for contracts with a total value (including all options, potential renewals, etc.) of $150,000 or more, and for which evaluated (“technical”) criteria (rather than cost) will be the predominant factors in selecting the Contractor (typically for complex services, software, etc). The following documents may be used in the development and administration of an RFP.
RFP TemplateComplete the highlighted sections of the template, and add additional terms, conditions, and requirements as needed.
Signature Page (ITB/RFP)
Trade-In AuthorizationRequired if the agency will ask for optional trade-in as part of the solicitation
Sample Surety Bond LanguagePerformance bonds may be advisable in select contracts (e.g. high dollar service contracts). Payment bonds may be advisable for projects which will involve significant use of subcontractors and/or third-party material/equipment suppliers (to guarantee payment to third parties). Bond requirements must be included in the solicitation document; consult with DOP and legal.
Confirmation of Performance for a Bond
Notice of SolicitationSample notice to e-mail to interested vendors, alerting them to the opportunity and containing instructions on IPRO registration.
Vendor Registration LetterIPRO registration instructions, and links for vendors interested in doing business with the State.
Power Point for Pre-Proposal ConferenceA Pre-Proposal must be held for all RFPs (IDAPA For DOP-led RFPs, agencies need to fill in the page related to project-specific information and e-mail the power point to DOP for finalization prior to the RFP posting to IPRO.
Pre-Proposal Sign-In SheetWhile it is not mandatory to hold a pre-bid conference, it may be advisable in some cases, especially when vendors will benefit from touring the site (e.g. janitorial contracts). Always remind attendees that oral statements will not be binding on the State (and to submit their questions in writing.)
Evaluator FormEach RFP evaluator must sign a form acknowledging his/her responsibilities as an evaluator and confirming that s/he does not have any conflicts of interest.
Evaluation PlanSample evaluation plan to be developed by the Agency. Note: the plan must match the RFP (all ME and E sections included). The scoring rubric is defined by the RFP lead, working with the agency representative(s). Scoring of individual evaluated sections is typically based on whole numbers between 0 and 10 or 0,1,5,10.
Cancellation LetterSolicitations should be cancelled only when necessary; contact DOP for guidance. Note: Submittal documents must be returned to vendors when a solicitation is cancelled. I.C. 67-9215.
ITB/RFP Opening Script and Sign-In Sheet
Initial Check for ResponsivenessTailor this sample checklist to the solicitation in order to document the review of mandatory requirements.
Clarification RequestThe State may need to clarify submission items under limited circumstances (this is NOT an opportunity to modify or supplement submittal responses); consult with DOP and legal if a clarification is needed.
Non-Responsive LetterSample letter to issue to bidders/offerors which are non-responsive (e.g. failure to meet mandatory requirements, bid conditioned on additional terms and conditions, etc.)—consult with DOP or legal.
Agency Approval FormUsed by DOP to obtain agency approval for contract award.
Letter of Intent (successful vendor)Sample "Letter of Intent" (LOI) to award for the apparent successful vendor.
Letter of Intent (unsuccessful vendor)Sample "Letter of Intent" (LOI) to award issued to all unsuccessful, responsive vendors. Note: there is a five (5) business day appeal period following issuance of LOIs that must be observed prior to award. I.C. 67-9232.
Post Award ChecklistSample checklist for buyers to use following contract award—should be tailored to the project and agency.
New Contract NotificationNotice to agency of the award of a new contract; may be tailored to the project to alert agency users to basic information about the contract.
Questionnaire GoodsQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire ServicesQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Questionnaire SoftwareQuestionnaires that agencies will be required to complete and attach in Luma when they request a new sourcing event.
Assignment A true contract "assignment" requires approval of both the Administrator of DOP as well as the Board of Examiners. General instructions are provided here; however, agencies are strongly encouraged to consult with legal counsel (e.g. distinguish between a simple name change and an assignment). An assignment request requires significant analysis on the part of the State’s contract administrator (DOP or agency lead, as appropriate) AND may take several months to complete, working through the Board of Examiners’ process.
Contract AmendmentSample amendment template. For DOP-held contracts, consult with DOP contract administrator before proceeding to ensure the desired amendment is permissible. Recitals should provide a brief background on the history of the contract and the need for the amendment. DOP is the final signatory for DOP-issued contracts.
Change-Request-WorksheetThe purpose of this worksheet is to serve as a template for agencies when providing information to DOP for changes to contracts administered by DOP. The information you provide will help DOP determine if the change is allowed and to help develop the amendment document.
For information regarding letters of default, cure notices, mutual termination, or termination for cause, contact DOP directly.
LaserFiche is up and running! If you need to submit an exemption you can find the LaserFiche form in our exemptions page. We no longer accept exemptions through email. If you have any question please contact us at
DA-1Agency must complete the form when requesting renewals, amendments, and sourcing events.
(Multiple Award Example)
Agency must justify the need for multiple award, based on Idaho Code requirements. Written approval of the Administrator of DOP is required to make a multiple award for the same or similar services.
I.C. 67-9211
Competitive Rules Apply
*Include language providing for the possibility of multiple award.
*It’s important to distinguish between “multiple award" for the same/similar services AND partial awards.
(no equivalents allowed)
It is permissible to specify “brand name or equal" without Administrator approval. However, if the agency needs a specific brand and can justify that need, the Administrator may allow the agency to be more restrictive by specifying “brand name only" Administrator approval is needed prior to including this restriction in your solicitation.

Competitive rules apply
*specify “Brand Name Only, no equivalents/substitutes" in the solicitation document.
EXEMPTION FROM AN OPEN (STATEWIDE) CONTRACTIdaho Code requires agencies to utilize “Open" contracts (SBPOs/PADDs). If the agency’s need cannot be met by an “Open" contract, the agency may request an exemption from the Administrator. This is not an exemption from the competitive procurement rules, simply an exemption from utilizing the Open contract (the agency must still follow the applicable competitive procurement rules).
I.C. 67-9216
Competitive rules apply
ONE-TIME LIMITED DELEGATED PURCHASE AUTHORIZATIONAgencies may need to request limited “one-time" authority to allow the agency to complete a purchase above its current authority level. An example is when an agency with $25,000 issues an RFQ and the lowest responsive responsible quote is $30,000. The agency does not have the authority to make the purchase for $30,000; however, it can request one-time limited authority to complete the purchase, by obtaining written approval from the Administrator, after DOP reviews the RFQ process it followed, and confirms that the process is in compliance with applicable procurement rules.
Competitive rules apply
REQUEST TO NEGOTIATEIDAPA allows for limited circumstances when negotiation may be authorized by the Administrator (e.g. failed bid)
Exempt from competition

*If additional approvals are required by the Policy Directive
Additional approval requirements only apply to a few Policy Directives. Check the language of the Policy Directive:
Policy Directives
Exempt from competition
REQUEST FOR ONE TIME EXEMPTION FROM COMPETITIONThe Administrator may exempt an acquisition from competition under limited circumstances (e.g. impractical, disadvantageous or unreasonable). For Sole Source, use the SSA Request Form.
Exempt from competition

Product or service available from only one supplier; and necessary to meet the business needs of the agency/state (e.g. compatibility, unique feature to meet state’s business need, etc.).
Exempt from competition

To be completed upon request by Division of Purchasing (DOP)
EMERGENCY PURCHASE AUTHORIZATIONMust be a true emergency (health, safety, welfare), with no time to obtain even quick quotes via phone.
Exempt from competition
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA)Designed for one-time short term projects requiring the services of a professional. Limited to one year in duration and $100,000. Not renewable.
No DOP approval required; however, DOP (and other state and Federal agencies) may review an agency’s use of PSA’s for IDAPA compliance.
Agencies are advised to consult with Legal for document preparation/review.
PROJECT SERVICE ORDER (PSO)For use with the IT Services contracts
For detailed instructions see the Statewide Contracts Page.
ver: 3.5.2 | last updated: